
Bring back the Danbooru to cardboard_box alias

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BUR #30633 has been rejected.

create alias danbooru -> cardboard_box

Sorry if this is considered trivial, but I think this was a fun easter egg alias that I'd like to bring back.

To this day, we get asked "How did the site get its name?", and I like the self-fulfilling nature of this alias.

Previous: topic #16417

evazion said:

The reason for the missed searches is that many people Google "danbooru" to get to Danbooru, and sometimes Google shows the danbooru tag as the top result for Danbooru instead of the actual frontpage. I may need to treat this tag specially, because most people searching for it are coming from Google trying to find the frontpage, not literally looking for cardboard boxes.

(We also get tons of searches for things like "danboru", "danbouru", "dambooru", "danboruu", "danboori", and just about every other misspelling imaginable.)

Might be better to do this instead of a funny easter egg that will only confuse people coming from Google.