
How Do I Check the Post ID for a Banned Post?

Posted under General

Got a banned duplicate notice on asset #22799618, which I can't verify the exacts of. Which is irritating, because it's part of the Magia Record Memoria Cards set, and I need to place it in the pool, something I cannot do if I don't know the ID of a given post. Is there any way for someone below approver to check what the post ID of something is? Can I even add an already banned post to a pool? If not, can someone who is Approver+ add that post to pool #22725? Sorry, this is kinda killing my workflow in getting all these up. Thanks.

Another workaround is to run the image through iqdb. Can't say it always works but there are a couple of times where I've found the ID of banned posts that way, and it worked for the image you needed the ID for.

As for adding it to a pool, I haven't heard of any limitations in adding/removing banned posts from a pool so my guess is that you could've added it into the post list under the edit page if you knew about its post ID.