
Ankle ring, leglet, thigh ring Aliases

Posted under Tags

Shinlet isn't a real word..(Then again, neither is thighlet, but it's wracked up nearly 15k posts so who am I to say)

The '-let' tags can be tricky. For example, the 'anklet', by definition, is an accessory worn on the ankle. This could technically include cloth accessories. But since it's aliased to jewelry on Danbooru, it has to fit that descriptor. As a compromise, there is the ankle garter tag, which covers detached cloth accessories on the ankle.

The same thing goes for armlet - while it refers to anything worn on the arm, on Danbooru, it's aliased to jewelry, so it's delegated to that definition. So if we want to tag an armlet ornament that's made from cloth, instead of 'cloth armlet', 'armlet band', 'frilled armlet' etc, we have arm garter. Which is great, but then - we also have arm scrunchie...and as a result, posts that could go into arm garter go into arm scrunchie instead, and posts that could go into wrist scrunchie end up going into arm scrunchie instead! Sheesh.

(Don't even get me started on thigh scrunchie and bridal garter.)

(*edited:) -- SO, anyway, my point is: since a lot of shin jewelry is connected to anklet jewelry, there runs the risk of a 'shinlet' being tagged, but not the 'anklet', which ends up deducting from one tag. That's really the only problem I can think of.

Apart from that, I agree with the thigh ring and ankle ring aliases. but like nonamethanks said, a leglet isn't always on the thigh, it covers the whole leg area - including, as mentioned, the shin, and the knee (AKA a kneelet - which, AGAIN, not necessarily jewelry, but if it became a tag, it'd have to fit danbooru nuance for consistency's sake).
