BUR #29262 has been rejected.
deprecate skirt_hold
deprecate dress_hold
mass update skirt_hold skirt solo -> -skirt_hold grabbing_own_skirt
mass update skirt_hold dress solo -> -skirt_hold grabbing_own_dress
deprecate skirt_grab
deprecate dress_grab
- 1. There's no reason to be using the same tag for both skirts and dresses when we differentiate between the two garments for almost every single other x_skirt/x_dress tag.
- 2. skirt_hold/dress_hold are ambiguous and therefore poor names for these tags.
To address both of these problems, I wish to split skirt_hold (which is currently for " characters holding their skirt or dress without lifting or pulling it") into grabbing_own_skirt and grabbing_own_dress. I considered holding_own_skirt and holding_own_dress, but the concern with these is that users would add them to things like post #7591985. "Grabbing", meanwhile, implies that the character is not carrying the skirt but merely has a grip on it.
This is where it gets a bit complicated.
There are already tags for skirt and dress grabs: skirt_grab and dress_grab.
- skirt_grab is for grabbing another's skirt.
- dress_grab is for grabbing one's own dress.
As you could probably guess, neither tag is in particularly good shape. skirt_grab is full of lifting/pulling another's skirt, and posts that fit the current wiki for skirt_hold (of which I fixed all the solo posts). dress_grab is mostly the same, except it's dresses and also I haven't gardened it. As such, I'd also like to deprecate these two tags so we can siphon them off into the appropriate alternatives, like skirt_lift lifting_another's_clothes or the new grabbing_own_dress.