BUR #28944 has been rejected.
create implication hair_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create implication ribbon_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create implication person_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create implication food_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create implication animal_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create implication money_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create implication gift_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create implication ribbon_between_breasts -> ribbon
create implication person_between_breasts -> mini_person
create implication food_between_breasts -> food
create implication animal_between_breasts -> animal
create implication money_between_breasts -> money
create implication gift_between_breasts -> gift
create alias neckerchief_between_breasts -> clothes_between_breasts
create alias ascot_between_breasts -> clothes_between_breasts
create alias chain_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias sword_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias hose_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias necklace_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias finger_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias tail_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias leash_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias tentacle_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias pokemon_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias leg_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias letter_between_breasts -> between_breasts
create alias buildings_between_breasts -> between_breasts
At the moment, there are a staggering number of *_between_breasts tags for no real reason. Most of these aren't even aliased with between_breasts, leaving countless posts that should be tagged with that tag not searchable with the main tag.
I think most of these can easily be merged with the main tag, though there are standouts. Among the tags I suggest keeping separate are gift between breasts and money between breasts, since I think they represent fairly specific situations. money between breasts only has 20 posts but between_breasts + money has 243 posts and a good number from the first few pages qualify, where it mostly relates with playboy bunnys, gambling and the like.
Thoughts? If there are any issues, let me know.