
Akemi Homura Ep. 12 Wing Tag

Posted under Tags

BUR #28752 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update favgroup:33875 -> black_wings_of_corrosion

The black wings of corrosion are the official name for the energy wings seen on Homura at the end of the final episode of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.

I think they deserve their own tag because they are very hard to search for.
Searching akemi_homura + wings results in a bunch of instances of Akuma Homura.

I don't think there's much risk of mistagging as the wings are very distinct and a decent wiki page would prevent confusion.

KaGAYakuShiningGAYte said:

Sure, why not. But if you want it to be MadoMagi-only add a qualifier.

Though tbh I don't know if it needs to be MadoMagi-exclusive? Surely there are other wings like that in other series.

Doesn't the aforementioned energy wings already serve this purpose? Black wings of corrosion is a series specific name so it shouldn't be an umbrella anyway.