
Voice actor wiki character ordering

Posted under General

Currently, voice actor wikis' filmography roughly follows the "[character] (copyright)" format, with the characters listed by alphabetical order.

This doesn't provide the best navigation because often times, the reason you're looking at that list is to find the name of a character of a copyright whose name you already know, look at which copyrights the VA has worked on or who does the VA play in various copyrights. All of which prompt the users to instinctively look for the copyright name first, even if they knew the filmography is ordered by character. Additionally, the same VA can voice different characters across multiple copyrights of the same franchise or in rarer occasions multiple characters from the same copyright. This is only noticeable if you look through every copyright.

Due to reasons above, I'm suggesting that we order VA filmographies by copyright name order, instead of character name order, to improve navigation.

KaGAYakuShiningGAYte said:

You can just Ctrl+F through the list with your character's name? Character-ordered list is much more intuitive.

You can't do that on older phones, and I don't think that's the point, the other reasons I listed are more important. You just ignored them and claimed the opposite to be true without any reasoning, can you please elaborate? I've always had the instinct to look for copyright name first.

And my instinct is release order, aka by date because on other sites I often click on senyuu filmographies knowing what they are in and thus instantly have a feel of how far to scroll to find what I'm looking for.

I think crl+f covers it regardless of which order they are listed so whichever way people prefer is a non-issue. The site shouldn't be tailored to old fashioned cellphones.

Of the two I find copyright name more intuitive, again because you'd presumably know what they are in and you wouldn't need to worry about character name order when scrolling.