
heel-less_legwear alias

Posted under Tags

nonamethanks said:

stirrup legwear already implies toeless legwear, should it also imply this tag? I understand the fetish reasons behind the current implication.

Renim cleaned it up recently; when I submitted the BUR, over half the tag was just stirrup_legwear. In any case, I don't even think the system would let you request that implication, as stirrup_legwear would make up 99.9% of heel-less_legwear.

Legwear that's only missing the toe covering is not uncommon, which is why toeless_legwear has over double the posts of stirrup_legwear. Legwear that's only missing the heel covering, however, is not. I'm indifferent about whether it needs a tag, but if we decide it does, then heel-less_legwear is unfortunately an intuitive, yet terrible name. Renim's gardening is evidence that the tag will simply keep being added to random stirrup legwear posts.