
Added a period for Mr. Bean tags (and some implications)

Posted under Tags

BUR #28282 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename mr_bean -> mr._bean
rename mr_bean_(series) -> mr._bean_(series)
rename mr_bean:_the_animated_series -> mr._bean:_the_animated_series
create implication mr._bean:_the_animated_series -> mr._bean_(series)

For some reason, the tag "Mr Bean" was left without a proper period (".") in the name for over ten years, despite we are now adding period for any tags with "Mr." in it. So it's time to fix this

Also added implications for Mr. Bean animated series to the main tag.

So I thought tis made sense as a change, until I did some digging. The English Wikipedia page uses "Mr. Bean" 250 times, but "Mr Bean" 24 times, whic his not an insignificant number of occurences. Furthemore, it appears that in British, the dot is usually omitted ( Since the series is of British origin, I think there's an argument to retain the dot-less spelling, but I wasn't able to find anything super conflusive about the official spelling.

岩戸鈴芽 said:

So I thought tis made sense as a change, until I did some digging. The English Wikipedia page uses "Mr. Bean" 250 times, but "Mr Bean" 24 times, whic his not an insignificant number of occurences. Furthemore, it appears that in British, the dot is usually omitted ( Since the series is of British origin, I think there's an argument to retain the dot-less spelling, but I wasn't able to find anything super conflusive about the official spelling.

The Wikipedia page has the title card as "Mr. Bean"; IMDB also agrees.