post #9000000 GET!

Mug-G and jxh2154

Posted under General

You should now be able to use mass tag edit. This is useful when creating new artist entries, that way you can easily tag older posts.

Also Mug-G, you keep flipping the artist aliases orz. Generally you should enter the Japanese name in the aliases field.


**Edit: nevermind, I'm retarded =P It didn't work because I made a typo... sourec is not source. I see that it works nicely now.**

How does this work with respect to searching by source:?

I just did source: and tried to apply 'shiou_tsuyukusa' (紫桜 露草). I hit preview and nothing happened though, and I'm not sure I want to apply it if I don't fully know how mass edit works in this respect.

I can just make a tag script and click all the images (there aren't many and that's what I usually do, it's pretty easy) but is there a way to d it from the mass edit screen?

Ah nice, I see what you mean. And yeah I always try to get the url down as simple as possible, just gotta watch out for people on popular blogging services.

I've noticed that 'find artist' for that sort of site sometimes brings up a number of possibilities, artists who are all at one site but have different accounts under it, like or something. Does the 'find artist' option just search the main domain before the first slash? I remember seeing something in the trac about making it start from the end and take off pieces incrementally, is that what it does now or something else?

Here's out Find Artist works:

All artists have three URLs associated with them: Site, Image, and an Extra.

When you click on Find Artist, Danbooru takes the URL and matches it against every artist URL. If it finds any, it stops and returns the matches. If it doesn't find any, Danbooru will chop off everything after the last slash (including the last slash), so becomes If it still doesn't find anything, it'll chop off another directory, so becomes At this point Danbooru will probably find a bunch of results (this is what happens when you search for an unknown artist hosted on for example).

Say an artist Grue has a image URL of (and suppose the other two URL fields are blank). Now say you're searching for Danbooru will search that URL and find nothing. Danbooru chops off a slash and searches the database for This matches against so Danbooru will return Grue as a matching artist.