post #9000000 GET!

Nuke random hyper-specific 40k weapon tags

Posted under Tags

BUR #27951 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

nuke wolf_blade
nuke lion_sword
nuke layer_blade
nuke fireblade_(weapon)
nuke forgebreaker
nuke mark_vi_corvus
nuke mercy_(weapon)
nuke forgiveness
nuke storm's_teeth
nuke the_auric_armor
nuke worldbreaker_(warhammer_40k)
deprecate forgiveness

Apparently there's user named Glichanka (user #775728) who made all of these hyper-specific weapon tags for Warhammer 40K characters. Given that we only tagged specific fictional weapon if it was iconic enough, I think these tags were unnecessary pedantic and therefore should be get rid of.

Also deprecate the tag forgiveness which this guy for some reason actually made it for a very specific gauntlet from 40k without even adding qualifier.

Edit: I already DM'ed this user and he understand the reasoning, so I hope this would resolves peacefully.


Perhaps might want to retain a tag for this specific armor set in the series, though the name should be modified to like "mark_vi_corvus_armor" or simplified to "corvus_power_armor" to indicate it's a set of armor, like the terminator_armor tag.

No opinion on the other tags.

zetsubousensei said:

I don't see why these should be nuked if we have niche weapon tags for other copyrights.

Agreed. This would be like nuking a skin tag just because we only have one post of it.

AngryZapdos said:

A majority of our named weapon tags are specific to certain characters; that's hardly a good reason to nuke them.

I can't speak to other named weapon tags but these tags don't actually serve to differentiate the posts they're applied to. storm's teeth is identical to power sword + rogal dorn. forgiveness is konrad curze + claw (weapon). The other tags have the same issue. Unless I missed something (possible, I'm not particularly familiar with 40k)

I'm mostly agreeing in general, but some of the tags mentioned are like somewhat standard-issue equipment within the 40k-universe, and I wouldn't see them as to specific to be kept (like the mark-iv-corvus tag). Also, we currently do not really have alternative means to find pictures containing the tagged (maybe we create tags like that?). Thats why I'd suggest that we keep at least some of them.

TrueKringe said:

BUR #27951 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

nuke wolf_blade
nuke lion_sword
nuke layer_blade
nuke fireblade_(weapon)
nuke forgebreaker
nuke mark_vi_corvus
nuke mercy_(weapon)
nuke forgiveness
nuke storm's_teeth
nuke the_auric_armor
nuke worldbreaker_(warhammer_40k)
deprecate forgiveness

Apparently there's user named Glichanka (user #775728) who made all of these hyper-specific weapon tags for Warhammer 40K characters. Given that we only tagged specific fictional weapon if it was iconic enough, I think these tags were unnecessary pedantic and therefore should be get rid of.

Also deprecate the tag forgiveness which this guy for some reason actually made it for a very specific gauntlet from 40k without even adding qualifier.

Edit: I already DM'ed this user and he understand the reasoning, so I hope this would resolves peacefully.

These really aren't created equal, we have everything from a unique name (auric armor) to common everyday words like forgiveness. Some should be renamed or nuked, others shouldn't.

Also it's not Glichanka who created all of these, Glichanka just wrote a bunch of wikis. Just skimming over this I can see tags created by atleast four different people.

KaGAYakuShiningGAYte said:

BUR #27979 has been rejected.

rename wolf_blade -> wolf_blade_(warhammer)
deprecate wolf_blade
rename lion_sword -> the_lion_sword_(warhammer)
deprecate lion_sword
rename layer_blade -> layer_blade_(warhammer)
deprecate layer_blade
rename fireblade_(weapon) -> fireblade_(warhammer)
deprecate fireblade_(weapon)
rename forgebreaker -> forgebreaker_(warhammer)
deprecate forgebreaker
rename mark_vi_corvus -> mark_vi_corvus_(warhammer)
deprecate mark_vi_corvus
rename storm's_teeth -> storm's_teeth_(warhammer)
deprecate storm's_teeth
rename the_auric_armor -> the_auric_armor_(warhammer)
deprecate the_auric_armor

Here are the renames.

I noticed we have mercy (weapon), forgiveness, and mercy and forgiveness (warhammer). Can warhammerheads explain what the relationship between the three is? I left them out for now.

Just that they were created by different people. It should be "mercy and forgiveness" since a) it's the pair of spooky space weapon gloves, b) there's no difference between them. Not to mention the names being common everyday words. As for your bur I agree with everything except maybe "the auric armor" because that's a fairly unique name. Also "layer blade" should be "the laer blade". It's not a type of of sword it's tldr a sword that possed someone leading to a lot of the story etc etc.


gfz said:

I can't speak to other named weapon tags but these tags don't actually serve to differentiate the posts they're applied to. storm's teeth is identical to power sword + rogal dorn. forgiveness is konrad curze + claw (weapon). The other tags have the same issue. Unless I missed something (possible, I'm not particularly familiar with 40k)

Nope, with those two characters it's true but that's because it's both the defualt object of that type they wield and a weapon only used by them which is NOT the case overall. Eg,

emperor's_sword wielded by the emperor vs Guilliman

post #5794567
post #6200587

Younger Mortarion with a random fucking farm scythe vs Mortarion with Silence_(weapon)

post #6769259
post #6786753

Yeah these were meant to be images but for some reason we can only do one...

BUR #28356 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update mark_vi_corvus -> beaked_helmet

GreyOmega said:

In regards to the mark_vi_corvus tag, is there an alternative means of finding that style of their armor with the beaked helmets?

We should have a tag for beaked helmet, there's some in elden ring too: bloodhound_knight. It makes more sense to have a generalized tag that allows us to find all of them at once.

KaGAYakuShiningGAYte said:

If we can have Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Genshin Impact) or Eyelander (Team Fortress 2), we can have Mark VI Corvus. Just qualify them.

A shit tag's existence is not justification for another shit tag's existence. If a tag is just a proxy for a character search then it has no reason to exist. This is doubly true for characters that have barely a handful of pages each.

nonamethanks said:

BUR #28356 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update mark_vi_corvus -> beaked_helmet

We should have a tag for beaked helmet, there's some in elden ring too: bloodhound_knight. It makes more sense to have a generalized tag that allows us to find all of them at once.

A shit tag's existence is not justification for another shit tag's existence. If a tag is just a proxy for a character search then it has no reason to exist. This is doubly true for characters that have barely a handful of pages each.

I REALLY disagree with this. First of all, the bur itself is incredibly flawed (no offense to the creator): One of the entries is a typo which was pointed out here and never fixed and it also includes a weapon wielded by multiple characters (forgebreaker). Not to mention it only targeted some weapons/armors but not others and was entirely based on the creator mistankingly thinking some user who wrote the wikis created the tags. So it's just nuking some random tags but not others.

Second of all, the thing about "but this weapon/piece of armor is only associated with one character" is that it also takes away the ability to search for a piece of iconic gear in action. "but just search the character name + sword/spear/etc" I hear you say. No because setting the precedent of nuking gear only associated with one character leads to any instance of a sword/Spear/armor/etc and that character being featured in the same post showing up, regardless of whether it's just a random background character swinging a sword and that situation with Mortarion and scythes above. Only not just for warhammer tags but any tags this logic gets applied to.

So either this is wildly inconsistent or fucking up search, both of which are bad.

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