BUR #30231 has failed.
deprecate on_vehicle
mass update sitting_on_car -> sitting on_car -sitting_on_car
mass update on_vehicle tank -car -motorcycle -airplane -bicycle -> on_tank -on_vehicle
mass update on_vehicle airplane -car -motorcycle -tank -bicycle -> on_airplane -on_vehicle
mass update on_vehicle motorcicle -car -tank -bicycle -> on_motorcycle -on_vehicle
mass update on_vehicle -motorcycle car -tank -bicycle -> on_car -on_vehicle
Main problem is that a good portion of these is for tanks, not cars: on_vehicle tank has 500 results. There's also assorted weird vehicles like post #7981390, or even airplanes (post #7168209).
Some random thoughts:
- Do we want a bunch of minor tags like on tank and on airplane? We probably do, it would be better than the current mess anyway. I doubt people searching for race queens lying on top of a car want to also see people standing on top of a tank or an airplane, they're conceptually very different pictures
- on motorcycle already exists. However, we probably want different tags for people driving on a motorcycle and just leaning or lying on top of them. The latter tag should probably also apply to scooters, bicycles and other two-wheeled vehicles