BUR #27255 has been rejected.
create alias ringing_phone -> incoming_call
create alias vibrating_phone -> incoming_call
The word "incoming" didn't come to mind until two days later when I was uploading another post needing the tag.
Posted under Tags
BUR #27255 has been rejected.
create alias ringing_phone -> incoming_call
create alias vibrating_phone -> incoming_call
The word "incoming" didn't come to mind until two days later when I was uploading another post needing the tag.
These are two different concepts that might deserve their own tags. A phone visibly vibrating in a picture is different from post #7673604.
nonamethanks said:
These are two different concepts that might deserve their own tags. A phone visibly vibrating in a picture is different from post #7673604.
I'm not so sure about making implications- Seems better to me to lump together the types of phone calls/communication requests.
So a vibrating phone like post #3425645 (nsfw) counts as an incoming call?
The bulk update request #27255 (forum #284568) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.