
Vtuber Aliases: Mahou Shoujo Chia Chia Channel

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BUR #26901 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias mahou_shoujo_chia_chia_channel -> mahou_shoujo_tiatia_channel
create alias ohepan_(mahou_shoujo_chia_chia_channel) -> ohepan_(mahou_shoujo_tiatia_channel)

I split this one up because I'm not sure what the best course of action is. It seems like Yumeragi Mea had her own channel, even her own characters not associated with Tia (some fanart for her channel on Twitter and Pixiv), and it also seems like she's stopped her activities for the most part. But then she did also debut on Hoshizaki Tia's channel (first appearance) as a rival character before she made her own channel a month or so after that video.

I can't tell whether they're just collaborators or actually partnered under a single entity. I don't know if it's enough to keep these two together or split them into the larger Indie tag, which is how Tia is being tagged right now. Assuming that this copyright tag should stick around, this would make the romanization consistent with Tia's name and channel banner. The mascot would have its qualifier changed to Tia's name if the channel tag is unnecessary.