
Twitter -> X

Posted under Tags

Unless we're going to use something like X Social or something that differentiates it from... well literally anything that has X in the name, I don't think we should do these aliases. Also can't use say like because of how similar it is to X-Com.

While this BUR is technically perfectly valid, we do tend to name things as how they are commonly referred to by the majority of people with our specific audience (western people) in mind.
Ie. we name call a Bulbasaur a Bulbasaur and not Fushigidane.

"Twitter" is still the name that almost everyone (both here and "normal" people in real life) uses to refer to the platform, so I think that it's too early for this. Give it a few years.

As far as I know, the only site that's even remotely similar to danbooru (as in being a community-run database) that actually switched to calling it X is Discogs. IMO this is a completely unnecessary change, since honestly, no one cares or respects the rebrand - it's Twitter and that's what everyone still calls it. The only reason I'd see it going through is if evazion decides to switch Twitter links/icons to their X counterparts on artist listings.

Should obviously be done, but likely not before the site is updated to change all Twitter URLs to X URLs instead of the other way around (even though those are somewhat unrelated)


The reason everyone in the real world hated the change from Twitter to X was because of the amount of pointless disruption it caused and the objective inferiority of X as a platform name due to its ambiguity. The same issues would plague us if we followed suit, so it seems like an obvious choice (for now, at least) to simply make an exception here and sidestep this by just continuing to call it Twitter.

I guess that amount of downvotes really show how much people hate the Twitter name change. In fact I haven't seen anyone referred to the site as "X" unironically aside from some news outlet (who often has to wrote "formerly known as X" disclaimer in it).

I downvoted this BUR out of sheer spite for the name change, but there's a lot of good points here why that's a bad idea. Indeed, it's for the best to just keep the tags as "Twitter" both for the ambiguity issues the name change causes as pointed out, and because the vast majority of people, not just on this site but in general, despise it. Until we get people who never heard of Twitter but this "X" site flocking in (which is kinda laughable considering Twitter's decaying state at the time of writing this), things will be fine as is.

HeeroWingZero said:

As far as I know, the only site that's even remotely similar to danbooru (as in being a community-run database) that actually switched to calling it X is Discogs. IMO this is a completely unnecessary change, since honestly, no one cares or respects the rebrand - it's Twitter and that's what everyone still calls it. The only reason I'd see it going through is if evazion decides to switch Twitter links/icons to their X counterparts on artist listings.

fwiw vndb calls it "xitter"

AngryZapdos said:

The reason everyone in the real world hated the change from Twitter to X was because of the amount of pointless disruption it caused and the objective inferiority of X as a platform name due to its ambiguity. The same issues would plague us if we followed suit, so it seems like an obvious choice (for now, at least) to simply make an exception here and sidestep this by just continuing to call it Twitter.

This is also my problem with this change in particular. "X" is objectively more ambiguous, especially in tags, and with how few people actually refer to it by the new name we wouldn't be helping anybody, it'd just be autistic rule-lawyering for the sake of it.