
Tasukete Eirin/Help Me Erin tag improvements

Posted under Tags

BUR #26343 has been rejected.

create alias help_me_eirin -> tasukete_eirin
rename tasukete_eirin -> help_me_erinnnnnn!!
create alias tasukete_eirin -> help_me_erinnnnnn!!
category help_me_erinnnnnn!! -> copyright
mass update help_me_erinnnnnn!! -> cool&create

This set of changes are to fix up a few things around the tasukete eirin tag. I think this tag, rather than being a general tag (or seemingly a meme tag) makes a lot more sense as a copyright tag for the song that spawned the meme, according to the tag's description. Especially with the recently released official music video, which is producing at least a few pieces of fanart wholly unrelated to the meme itself, like post #7557292.

The changes do two things:
1: Add the logical translation of tasukete eirin as an alias, and use the official name of the song as the tags main name. then sets up the old name as an alias. The whole reason I was spurred on to do this is that I started working on a new copyright tag, not finding anything for help_me_eirin or help_me_erin. This will make sure it's a lot harder to miss.
2: Turn the tag into a copyright tag, so it can be aliased to Cool&Create, the composers of the original song. even before this, the tasukete_eirin tag had nearly twice as many references as Cool&Create did as a whole, even when they used the exact spelling of the song's name like in post #221355. This should resolve that issue in the future.

Happy to split these out into different BRs if people only want some of these changes made.

blindVigil said:

You don't need the rename, it's redundant. Just an alias is fine. Also, we don't implicate creations to creators. Otherwise every single Nintendo game would implicate Nintendo.

I changed the category implication to a mass update, then.

C-light said:

I changed the category implication to a mass update, then.

That still runs into the problem of flooding the cool&create tag with any post that so much as references help me erinnnnnn!!. That's not how we use "company" tags. Tags like cool&create, nintendo, ect. are for things that directly reference the company in some way, that's why we don't implicate things to them. We don't want to tag every help me erinnnnnn!! post with cool&create.

And you still don't need the rename, the tasukete eirin -> help me erinnnnnn!! alias already does what you're trying to do.