BUR #26199 has been rejected.
mass update favgroup:32125 -> cigarette_in_mouth
For the past while, the fact that we don't have a tag specifically for cigarettes held in the mouth has bothered me. Yeah, we have holding cigarette and mouth hold, but cigarettes in mouths felt so ubiquitous that the fact we didn't have a tag for it specifically honestly kinda surprised me. So I made a favgroup of all the applicable posts I could find on the first twenty pages of cigarette, which is...quite a lot. I'm not sure how big these tag idea favgroups should ideally be, but if 163 is under it, I'm sure I could get it to that point without much effort.
Right now, this BUR serves to gauge interest in the idea, as I don't want to introduce a specific mouth hold subset all willy-nilly. But I do think it could be beneficial to some.