
touching -> hand on

Posted under Tags

You can touch something without your hand, but I think it's a good sort of utility alias as most touching will be with the hand. Either this, the same thing but flipped, or status quo.

Downvoted because in terms of value / desire to search, "hand on" is a lot better. If you're touching it with something else, there's probably another tag for it like "footjob", 'foot on another's back", "foot on another's horn", "chest rub", "nose on another's horn", etc.

I don't like the touching tags because they're going to be 99.9% touching by hand anyways, so this nudges taggers to be more specific.
touching_another's_back -hand_on_another's_back has a few posts that need to be considered
touching_another's_crotch -hand_on_another's_crotch has a handful of tentacle posts (I'm not sure what the tag for that would be)
touching another's horn is all hand touching
touching_another's_feet -hand_on_another's_foot has a few that should have been tagged [footsies]] (added now)

As well as the overlap being large, keeping touching... tags around adds to the already confusing mess of grabbing vs holding vs touching
If somebody wants to create an alternative BUR though please go ahead