
poor drawn ?

Posted under General

albert said:
Obscenely large breasts are usually grouped together with guro. See the /d/ board on 4chan.

What? No.

/d/ is not Guro. Posting Guro on /d/ will get you banned.

/d/ is alternative. Obscenely huge tits generally go there, but merely large ones are fine on /h/

No one EVER groups huge tits as guro though, what in the world makes you think that?

guro goes on gurochan. Not anywhere on 4chan, and preferably not here, either.

albert said:
Obscenely large breasts are usually grouped together with guro. See the /d/ board on 4chan.

well except for one pic, the rest had large breasts but not Obscenely large breasts or how should I say this?*impossibly* large breasts

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