
scars_all_over -> scar

Posted under Tags

BUR #25297 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

remove implication too_many_scars -> too_many
create alias too_many_scars -> scars_all_over

The controversial option. I think these tags are the same thing, but having too_many as our full-body scarring tag has always been weird. Unlike other too_many tags its not a physical object.

I like scars_all_over as the tag name better.

I'm skeptical that there will be many people who want to specifically search for someone with many scars, while excluding those with just one scar or "scars all over."
Having both tags seems a bit like if we had several tags for multiple moles based on how scattered the moles are around the body (we do have mole under each eye, but that's because it's a common trope and tagging it is fully objective.) A very niche distinction and not really worth the effort of making sure the tags are all being applied properly.