How should works written by the same author/writer be grouped together? Does making a copyright tag with the author's name work?
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gzb said:
How should works written by the same author/writer be grouped together? Does making a copyright tag with the author's name work?
Which ones in particular? Normally we don't group them unless they're in the same series/world, but when we do they're grouped under an umbrella tag for that franchise. Monogatari_(series) for instance which covers all the books and has them all implicated to it, or Wizarding World which is the official name for JK Rowling's universe and covers Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, ect.
zetsubousensei said:
Which ones in particular? Normally we don't group them unless they're in the same series/world, but when we do they're grouped under an umbrella tag for that franchise. Monogatari_(series) for instance which covers all the books and has them all implicated to it, or Wizarding World which is the official name for JK Rowling's universe and covers Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, ect.
I've found this writer ( who makes text-based roleplaying games that other artists make illustrations for. I will try and make individual copyright tag for each game once those are uploaded but I also would like if a tag can be made for all of them. What do you think?
gzb said:
I've found this writer ( who makes text-based roleplaying games that other artists make illustrations for. I will try and make individual copyright tag for each game once those are uploaded but I also would like if a tag can be made for all of them. What do you think?
Unfortunately I don't read Japanese or know enough about the TRPG scene to have an answer. Hopefully someone who can read moonrunes can take a look at this and see if they need an umbrella tag and what that should be.
zetsubousensei said:
Unfortunately I don't read Japanese or know enough about the TRPG scene to have an answer. Hopefully someone who can read moonrunes can take a look at this and see if they need an umbrella tag and what that should be.
This just looks like a collection of mostly unrelated works to me. The closest thing to a group name translates to either "Itohaki's Works" or "Itohaki's Workshop." Instead of a copytag, maybe you can put them in a pool with a (various artists) qualifier and provide the author's name and a link to the website in the description.