
Smoking weapon/weapon barrel alias/implication

Posted under Tags

Should note the weapon tag states it's for handheld weapons, not vehicle weapons. Something like post #1746552 then shouldn't be tagged weapon and tagging it with a "smoking_weapon" tag for it and similar images would just encourage people to tag vehicle weapons with the weapon tag.

There might be people who want to find weapons that are smoking like post #7085076, but I believe people searching for a smoking weapon as in it just discarged a projectile is a very different imagery with very different implications.

GreyOmega said:

Should note the weapon tag states it's for handheld weapons, not vehicle weapons. Something like post #1746552 then shouldn't be tagged weapon and tagging it with a "smoking_weapon" tag for it and similar images would just encourage people to tag vehicle weapons with the weapon tag.

With this in mind, I believe it would be best to change the tag's name to smoking_barrel. I don't think we need to specify it's a weapon even ignoring GreyOmega's point, as it seems very unlikely we'll get more than one smoking barrel post every ten years, if at all.

Shinjidude said:

"smoking barrel" is also more idiomatic and sounds more natural. Unless we're somehow worried about it being used for burning casks and oil drums.

That was the primary concern when it was discussed on the Discord, but I think this tag is probably already low-traffic enough that it's not necessary to sacrifice intuitiveness for a completely obvious name.