
Emperor Palpatine's alternate name aliases

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BUR #24984 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

create alias sheev_palpatine -> palpatine
create alias darth_sidious -> palpatine

It's kinda weird that his full name and his Sith name were not added as an alias yet, despite this is not as big of a spoiler like Darth Vader's.

Because of the lack of alias, the tag "Darth Sidious" was created separately from the Palpatine tag as a result, so I think it's time to merge them.

Obst said:

I don't think the sheev_palpatine alias is necessary, since afaik he's never referred to as such on-screen, but I suppose it doesn't hurt either.

It's a widely memed name in Star Wars fan communities, so I could see someone writing in Sheev when looking for him if they're coming from that perspectivel
