
misc burs

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DeusExCalamus said:

AFD isn't over yet in the US, which, as anyone can tell you, is the center of the internet and thus the only place that matters.

I mean, April Fools' Day in Danbooru started at early morning in Japan time and ended at midnight in USA time, so it lasted more than 24 hours.

Also, TrueKringe should did it like me; who didn't log in around AFD time, only logged in to upload something that's too important to skip over, then quit soon after.

VR-Man said:

Also, TrueKringe should did it like me, who didn't log in around AFD time, only logged in to upload the very important post that must'nt be skipped over, then quit soon after.

But if they did that, they wouldn't have been able to throw a hissy fit over absolutely nothing. Some things in life are just more important than being a rational, level headed adult, you know?

nonamethanks said:

alright, start packing it up everyone, fun's over.

since everyone had so much fun this year, next year's april fools is CANCELLED in advance. now who's the real fools?

I don't know if this is supposed to be a joke or a personal insult.


I mean, the way we celebrate April Fools is probably as autistic-friendly as we can get anyway, and I say that as someone on the spectrum. All of the temporary changes and fake feedbacks/BURs are way too goofy to mistake them as serious (which even neurotypical people may do if you don't deliver the joke properly). And unlike real life, users can always step out for a bit if they can't handle the chaos.

By the way, the "dangerous pervert" prank was not only funny, but also a good way to mark the time period we're allowed to go crazy.

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