BUR #24578 has been rejected.
create alias puffing_up -> raised_hackles
Two tags that mean the exact same thing:
Puffing up
An animal puffing up its body as a defense mechanism in a threatening situation in order to appear larger in size, to signal defensive aggression towards the enemy. In mammals, this is usually done alongside an arched back.
Often accompanied by hissing. Though unlike hissing which is an offensive move almost always shown as a form of threat or anger, puffing up can be seen on other occasions such as fear or shock.
See also
When the feathers or fur along an animals spine is raised as a form of intimidation or out of fear.
Hackles are the erectile plumage or hair in the neck area of some birds and mammals.
In mammals, the hackles are the hairs of the neck and back which become erect when the animal is fearful, as part of the fight-or-flight response, or to show dominance over subordinate animals. Raising the hackles causes the animal to appear larger, and acts as a visual warning to other animals. Raised hackles are used by grey wolves as a dominance behavior, by moose preparing to attack, and by cats and striped hyena which are fearful or threatened.
Angry cats with "blown out" tails should also be tagged.
External sites:
Puffing_up was created in 2010 but only had 3 posts (1 in 2015). Raised_hackles is created in 2023 (by me actually) and populated, and then in 2024 puffing_up is populated by @magcolo and also has the better wiki.
Personally, I prefer raised hackles as it's more precise and we have the similar sounding fluffed up, but I might be biased as I created that tag. Puffing up has the way better wiki however and whichever tag we keep should have that.