Posted under Tags
mock said:
BUR #24535 has been rejected.
create alias yuki_onna -> yukionna
Yukionna is one word.
Most website use two word or -.
1. Yuki-Onna (Wikipedia)
2. Yuki-Onna (Fandom)
3. Yuki Onna (Japanup close website)
Yuki Onna (雪女) meaning "Snow Woman" which also two word
Dr-Trainer-Sensei said:
Most website use two word or -.
They're wrong. I think they do this because onna starts with a vowel and English-speakers don't like having two vowels in a row. In Japanese it's one word.
Yuki Onna (雪女) meaning "Snow Woman" which also two word
It doesn't matter how many words it is in English. One word in one language can be translated as multiple words in another language.
mock said:
They're wrong. I think they do this because onna starts with a vowel and English-speakers don't like having two vowels in a row. In Japanese it's one word.
Few Japanese Dictionary website (create by 日本人)
1. Kotobank
ゆき‐おんな ‥をんな【雪女】
〘名〙 雪の深い夜に雪の精が化して現われるという、白い衣を着、白い顔をした女の妖怪。雪女郎(ゆきじょうろ・ゆきじょろう)。雪娘。雪の女。《季・冬》
ゆき‐おんな〔‐をんな〕【雪女】 の解説
雪国の伝説で、雪の降る夜、白い衣を着た女の姿で現れるという雪の精。雪娘。雪女郎。《季 冬》「三日月の櫛や忘れし—/紅緑」[補説]書名別項。→雪女
Both write Yuki-Onna for the way of read it. But tbh, I'm not sure now, so I will let other users with better japanese decided.
There does seem to be a degree of inconsistency on these. (rain woman) (two-mouthed woman) (bone woman) (Slit-mouthed woman) (tall woman) (Icicle woman)
You also have their word for witch, Majo 魔女 (devil/sorcery woman).
Can also see this inconsistency with occasional English monsters like wolfman.
Dr-Trainer-Sensei said:
Few Japanese Dictionary website (create by 日本人)
1. Kotobank
Both write Yuki-Onna for the way of read it. But tbh, I'm not sure now, so I will let other users with better japanese decided.
They also have め‐がね for megane and にほん‐じん for nihonjin, but we would never romanize them as "me gane" or "nihon jin". The hyphens are just used in the dictionary to show how the word breaks down.
i don't see any problem with creating an alias (instead of rename it, which i thought it was at first). as greyomega stated, it is not fully standardized so why not, but you'll then want to create aliases for other tags with *onna (imo it's better to write it all with a hyphen)
The bulk update request #24535 (forum #273697) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.