
The virgin killer outfit as meme attire

Posted under Tags

Looking through this tag, it seems like it's either very overapplied or just too broad of an idea. The original outfit as shown in the virgin killer outfit wiki is a very normal outfit (as opposed to virgin killer sweater and virgin destroyer sweater, which are distinct individual pieces of clothing), and most of the posts in the tag don't seem to be referencing it as a "virgin killer" or it's virality at all.

Out of around 1000 posts, about a third of them are just official vtuber costumes (Oozora Subaru (casual) and Tokoyami Towa (jirai kei) being the worst offenders). Take vtubers away and the tag is pretty much entirely very high-waist skirt + collared shirt, regardless of whether the shirt or skirt in question looks anything like the original viral image.

At this point I believe this either shouldn't be considered meme attire as it's just a pretty consistent design in anime and related media, or the tag needs to be gardened and limited to just posts that are directly referencing the original version.

I think the issue with virgin killer outfit stems primarily from it being too broad of a concept. Most folks would assume any of the *virgin_killer* or *virgin_*sweater tags to be subtags of virgin killer outfit, and even the original tweet which kicked off the usage of 童貞を殺す服 noted that there are "various 'virgin killer' outfits". You search that Japanese on Pixiv and you see they are just as ambiguous in its usage, which they note in their Pixpedia entry for it under "その後".

If we do want to continue tagging the original viral outfit, we would need to disambiguate the tag to do so (like invoking the name of NO.S PROJECT or whatever).