
More specific qualifiers for Flabebe/Floette/Florges

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BUR #24370 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


1) easier to identify. while it doesn't take much to just look it up, I keep forgetting it's only the flower colour that changes. so this will help anyone who's posting these mons and feels like they need to look up just to make sure (even though it is very obvious). This also helps someone potentially mistagging Shiny Floette etc. as Floette (blue) (the shinies for this evo line has blue/purple leaf things instead of green)
2) these happen to be the official names anyways. which makes it more consistent with the other Pokemon with 10 billion forms. like imagine if Alcremie (matcha cream) was called Alcremie (matcha) - it just looks a little weird
