BUR #24177 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
rename dadadada_tenshi -> datenshi-chan
I recently created Dadadada Tenshi (Nanawo Akari) as a copyright tag for artwork related to the song since we previously had the Dadadada Tenshi character tag serving two purposes: one of them was for art of Nanawo Akari's mascot "Datenshi-chan" (the pink-haired angel girl) and the other was for artwork that's parodying the similarly titled song while having no relation to the character.
From what I understand the character's actual name is Datenshi-chan and doesn't exclusively appear in Dadadada Tenshi (Nanawo Akari) but all of the recent work related to the singer. So this BUR is to separate Nanawo Akari's mascot from the song.
Here is a list of sources where the character is referred to Datenshi-chan: