
weaker sex 1 gibson the forester which girl meme

Posted under Tags

BUR #24175 has been rejected.

create alias the_weaker_sex_1_(gibson) -> the_forester_"which_girl"_(meme)
category the_forester_"which_girl"_(meme) -> general

We currently have two tags for the exact same meme. One is a copyright, the_weaker_sex_1_(gibson), and the other is a meme tag, the_forester_"which_girl"_(meme). We do not need both.

The former was already debated a bit in forum #268560. It seems like this is the closest we have to a "title" for the original piece of art.

The latter was created recently by @aa220525 . This matches the Know Your Meme page. The Pixiv tag also includes "which girl."

The attached BUR is my suggestion. But we could also go the opposite direction. I do not care at all personally which way we go, but we don't need two tags.