post #9000000 GET!

Qualify Nanoha's Bardiche

Posted under Tags

Jemnite said:

Why is the bardiche (the actual polearm) qualified and weapons named Bardiche (presumably after the polearm) not? Instead of deprecating bardiche it might be better to have that be bardiche (weapon) instead.

That is for futureproofing, like the tag glaive (polearm) that got a qualifier because there are other non-polearm weapons (mostly fictional) named "glaive".

Though, if we really wanted futureproofing, I suppose we may change the qualifier of a bardiche tag into "bardiche (polearm)" if that's the case.

BUR #24011 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create alias bardiche_(standby_form) -> bardiche_(standby_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(device_form) -> bardiche_(device_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(axe_form) -> bardiche_(axe_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(assault_form) -> bardiche_(assault_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(bullova_form) -> bardiche_(bullova_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(scythe_form) -> bardiche_(scythe_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(haken_form) -> bardiche_(haken_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(glaive_form) -> bardiche_(glaive_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(zanber_form) -> bardiche_(zanber_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(riot_blade) -> bardiche_(riot_blade)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(riot_zanber_stinger) -> bardiche_(riot_zanber_stinger)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(riot_blade_ii) -> bardiche_(riot_blade_ii)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(straight_saber_form) -> bardiche_(straight_saber_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(javelin_form) -> bardiche_(javelin_form)_(nanoha)
create alias bardiche_(blitz_saber_form) -> bardiche_(blitz_saber_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(standby_form) -> bardiche_(standby_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(device_form) -> bardiche_(device_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(axe_form) -> bardiche_(axe_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(assault_form) -> bardiche_(assault_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(bullova_form) -> bardiche_(bullova_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(scythe_form) -> bardiche_(scythe_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(haken_form) -> bardiche_(haken_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(glaive_form) -> bardiche_(glaive_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(zanber_form) -> bardiche_(zanber_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(riot_blade) -> bardiche_(riot_blade)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(riot_zanber_stinger) -> bardiche_(riot_zanber_stinger)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(riot_blade_ii) -> bardiche_(riot_blade_ii)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(straight_saber_form) -> bardiche_(straight_saber_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(javelin_form) -> bardiche_(javelin_form)_(nanoha)
remove alias bardiche_(blitz_saber_form) -> bardiche_(blitz_saber_form)_(nanoha)

Add (nanoha) to Bardiche's Forms.

BUR #24014 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename kerykeion -> kerykeion_(nanoha)
rename friedrich -> friedrich_(nanoha)
rename voltaire -> voltaire_(nanoha)
rename phantasma -> phantasma_(nanoha)
rename garyuu -> garyuu_(nanoha)
rename star_saber -> star_saber_(nanoha)

These are also similar situations, so change them together.
Some other tags like vivio (-> takamachi vivio), reinforce (-> reinforce eins), these may need to be changed too.