
Funnels aren't just Gundam

Posted under Tags

BUR #23703 has been rejected.

create alias funnels_(gundam) -> funnels_(weapon)

The funnels (gundam) tag should have a more generic name, as it's currently used as a tag for all floating detachable mecha armaments, not specifically the ones from Gundam. The wiki even notes that funnel-type weapons aren't exclusive to Gundam and go by other in-universe names in different franchises - the Gundam series' name for these kind of weapons is just the most well known, and what most mecha fans will use to refer to examples from other franchises regardless of their canon name (especially considering this kind of weapon doesn't exist irl so there's no "real" name to use to refer to them generically)

HeeroWingZero said:

Options may work, but it's an older term that isn't as well known as Funnels, and seems to mostly have the connotation of the gameplay mechanic

And funnels have a Gundam connotation. Hypocrisy much?

bunkhead said:

And funnels have a Gundam connotation. Hypocrisy much?

Despite originating from Gundam, in mecha fan communities it is often used as a general term as opposed to whatever the series-specific term of a given franchise is, even with Armored Core which does use Orbits as the name. That being said, one of GreyOmega's suggestions would probably work well too if so if anyone would like to set up a counter BUR feel free

Purely from my own experience, "bits" is the most common generic term in the games/etc that I tend to be in. I remember people even referring to Lavos's pods (Chrono Trigger) as bits, back then. A more recent example is Vira's bits in her Chevalier Merge form (Granblue Fantasy).

I'm okay with funnels too, and probably most alternatives, though I'd say that remote_weapon makes me think more of like, a remote-controlled sentry gun or something. Drones sound more autonomous than these are usually portrayed.

kozaki.saya said:

Purely from my own experience, "bits" is the most common generic term in the games/etc that I tend to be in. I remember people even referring to Lavos's pods (Chrono Trigger) as bits, back then. A more recent example is Vira's bits in her Chevalier Merge form (Granblue Fantasy).

So funny enough, bit (gundam) also already exists as a tag because they're technically two different but very similar forms of weaponry in-universe. I think we could safely combine both tags into whatever generic term we end up using

If we are going to rename it completely anyway, I would prefer a name that's something more descriptive so that people outside the shmup and gundam universe at least can somewhat visualize what it's supposed to be.

I'd prefer to not call it a drone because I'm afraid that things like Mei's Snowball or 2B's Pod, or the countless Arknights characters with drones will end up with this tag.

Given that one of the key features of these weapons is that they orbit around a character/mech, how about something like orbital_equipment / orbiting_equipment / orbiting_weapon?