BUR #23598 has been rejected.
create implication father_and_son -> father_and_child
create implication father_and_son -> parent_and_son
create implication father_and_daughter -> father_and_child
create implication father_and_daughter -> parent_and_daughter
create implication mother_and_son -> mother_and_child
create implication mother_and_son -> parent_and_son
create implication mother_and_daughter -> mother_and_child
create implication mother_and_daughter -> parent_and_daughter
create implication mother_and_child -> parent_and_child
create implication father_and_child -> parent_and_child
create implication parent_and_daughter -> parent_and_child
create implication parent_and_son -> parent_and_child
Self explanatory. Finally creating an umbrella parent child tag to make blacklisting easier and allows searching for the childs gender in case you want to see a character with either or both parents.