CoreMack said:
You are overcomplicating things far too much. Our "gender" tagging system is really not that complex.
1) Fundamentally, we tag biological sex, not gender. This is because for most of our users we are a porn site, and they care about genitals, not gender identity. There are narrow, limited exceptions to this rule to appease certain other portions of the userbase (Bridget and Lily).
2) Tag what you see is paramount. If a male character is drawn as female, we tag them as female regardless of what the artist or canon says. However, when TWYS leaves things ambiguous, as it does in almost all rating:g posts, then we defer to what canon or the artist says about the character's biological sex to the extent of the ambiguity.
I don't think I'm overcomplicating it. On the principle of TWYS, how I've defined it is principally correct. When the average user is tagging a girl, they're tagging them based on visual only. The majority of the time, in is:sfw contexts, we're not tagging based on biological sex, but on secondary sexual characteristics (and ultimately gender cues, i.e. the hair, the clothing, etc), and in art these characteristics can be rendered very ambiguously/selectively and independently of what the artist believes the character's biological sex is, which is why we have stuff like otoko no ko and the like. That is to say, we are fundamentally tagging relying on gender cues because gender is more outward-facing than biological sex, and utilizing TWYK to make sure that our surface level assessment was correct. That doesn't matter as much in is:nsfw contexts, of course, since you see dick and pussy, but in the majority case, the first thing someone tagging will focus on is whether they look like a woman (and what that entails to them).
Returning to where that places futanari, most depictions of futa are just cis women depicted with an extra cock (and optional balls), essentially biologically female but with a little extra on top. Based on TWYS, it doesn't make any sense not to have them tagged as women, because that's what they look like, the entire fetish is focused around "the average attractive cis woman being depicted with a cock and doing things with it that only a dude would imagine them doing." It's why, despite futanari principally referring to both feminine and masculine looking characters, we have a distinct tag for the latter because it is the former that gets the most attention. If tag what you see is paramount, then this BUR is invalid.
If you think that 1female and 1male would help to reduce the misunderstanding that we are tagging gender, when we're really tagging biological sex, then sure. But it's not at all an obvious "logical conclusion" from that that we need something as retarded as a girlcunt tag, that's ridiculous.
I don't know if I personally believe it would reduce the misunderstanding, I was just forwarding what past arguments on the issue have been, and they argued as much. And again, *girlcunt
wasn't a legitimate suggestion, it's just a reflection of where we would end up tag-wise if this BUR passed. You'd be undermining TWYS because taggers would be forced to shift their thought from what they see ("does this look like a girl") to requiring more knowledge ("does this girl have a vagina"), knowing there's *futa
, which could easily be applied to their rating:g post if it turns out she doesn't, ala post #7079044.