BUR #23267 has been rejected.
create implication on_bench -> bench
create implication on_chair -> chair
create implication on_cloud -> cloud
create implication on_counter -> counter
create implication on_crescent -> crescent
create implication on_flower -> flower
create implication on_grass -> grass
create implication on_ladder -> ladder
create implication on_piano -> piano
create implication on_roof -> rooftop
create implication on_scooter -> scooter
create implication on_stool -> stool
create implication on_umbrella -> umbrella
create implication on_water -> water
create alias on_motorcycle -> on_vehicle
create alias on_scooter -> on_vehicle
I made a previous BUR that listed a few of these, but it was too big and included some entries that were better left as they are.
Here it's just implying the object that the on_* tag refers to. Currently, searching on_grass -grass returns 1945 results.