BUR #22940 has been rejected.
create implication ganyu_(twilight_blossom)_(genshin_impact) -> ganyu_(genshin_impact)
create implication shenhe_(frostflower_dew)_(genshin_impact) -> shenhe_(genshin_impact)
Official outfits for Shenhe and Ganyu
Posted under Tags
BUR #22940 has been rejected.
create implication ganyu_(twilight_blossom)_(genshin_impact) -> ganyu_(genshin_impact)
create implication shenhe_(frostflower_dew)_(genshin_impact) -> shenhe_(genshin_impact)
Official outfits for Shenhe and Ganyu
@xcv450 forum #265966 already has it covered (along with Xingqiu's outfit)
The bulk update request #22940 (forum #267307) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.