
request alias narrowed_eyes -> half-closed_eyes

Posted under Tags

WaterMiner said:

BUR #22847 has been rejected.

create alias narrowed_eyes -> half-closed_eyes

I can't understand the difference between these two labels. I think they should describe the same thing. If you object, it's best to tell me the difference between these two labels.

I think the narrowed eyes tag should be gardened first. I see some posts such as (post #7044485) that appear to show naturally narrow eyes. Some users may be interpreting "narrowed" as a passive verb instead of an active verb and adding the tag to those posts.

I also think we might want to have a more specific amount of eye closure defined for half-closed_eyes. This is just my opinion and not necessarily reflective of current usage, but I think the tag should be used when you can see a significant amount of eyelid (post #7131982), but not when there's so little you can't tell if the eyes are actually partially closed (post #7145148).


Blank_User said:

I think the narrowed eyes tag should be gardened first. I see some posts such as (post #7044485) that appear to show naturally narrow eyes. Some users may be interpreting "narrowed" as a passive verb instead of an active verb and adding the tag to those posts.

I also think we might want to have a more specific amount of eye closure defined for half-closed_eyes. This is just my opinion and not necessarily reflective of current usage, but I think the tag should be used when you can see a significant amount of eyelid (post #7131982), but not when there's so little you can't tell if the eyes are actually partially closed (post #7145148).

but I think the tag should be used when you can see a significant amount of eyelid (post #7131982)

Actually, I don't really agree with this, in most of the paintings I've seen, there are rare instances where the author will have painted eyelids, and I think that, if judged by that standard, probably the vast majority of labels would be mislabeled. Also, I think it could be proposed that works with painted eyelids in the image be labeled with an eyelid (as an element, it's just so unique, isn't it?)