post #9000000 GET!

Downvoted comments?

Posted under General

So I've noticed that there are lots of downvoted comments, some even in minus score here. Those comments don't seem to be particularly offensive or anything. Why are they downvoted though?

Just like posts, some people seem intent on downvoting comments for the stupidest reasons, including bumping when *they* don't find the comment interesting. Additionally, once a comment has gathered a few downvotes, people will often just follow the crowd and keep downvoting. I suggest you don't pay attention to comment downvotes in most instances.

gzb said:

So I've noticed that there are lots of downvoted comments, some even in minus score here. Those comments don't seem to be particularly offensive or anything. Why are they downvoted though?

Rule one of the internet someone will hate what you say or just trolling ignore it.

gzb said:

Hiding the post or the comment?

If the score is low enough then the comment will be concealed and just have a message asking if you want to view it. -8 is the default, but you can always adjust this in your user settings.

GreyOmega4K said:

If the score is low enough then the comment will be concealed and just have a message asking if you want to view it. -8 is the default, but you can always adjust this in your user settings.

I didn't know that. Interesting. But I guess I still don't see the point in downvoting silly jokes or one-liners in the comments. I was thinking that maybe those are frowned upon or something.

gzb said:

I didn't know that. Interesting. But I guess I still don't see the point in downvoting silly jokes or one-liners in the comments. I was thinking that maybe those are frowned upon or something.

They kind of are, it really just depends. Bad attempts at humor don't tend to go over well, and if a bad joke was the only thing you had to say about a picture then some users will see that as "pointless bumping." This isn't Youtube, where everyone tries to be that witty commenter that gets thousands of upvotes because they said something mildly amusing within the first few minutes of a video going up, we prefer our users actually say thoughtful things related to the post that aren't just one liners or how horny a character's asshole makes them.

The general preference is that if you're just saying "I like this" or making a dumb joke, you should either say nothing and just upvote/favorite the post, or click "No Bump" so people checking the Comments page won't see your "pointless" comment right at the top of the list.

blindVigil said:

They kind of are, it really just depends. Bad attempts at humor don't tend to go over well, and if a bad joke was the only thing you had to say about a picture then some users will see that as "pointless bumping." This isn't Youtube, where everyone tries to be that witty commenter that gets thousands of upvotes because they said something mildly amusing within the first few minutes of a video going up, we prefer our users actually say thoughtful things related to the post that aren't just one liners or how horny a character's asshole makes them.

What use is bumping in the first place?

Posting a comment without clicking "No Bump" puts that post, with all comments on that post visible, to the top of the Comments page so everyone can see it. It facilitates discussion. Otherwise, how would other people know you commented at all? So naturally, some users don't like it when people bump posts "for no reason."

blindVigil said:

They kind of are, it really just depends. Bad attempts at humor don't tend to go over well, and if a bad joke was the only thing you had to say about a picture then some users will see that as "pointless bumping." This isn't Youtube, where everyone tries to be that witty commenter that gets thousands of upvotes because they said something mildly amusing within the first few minutes of a video going up, we prefer our users actually say thoughtful things related to the post that aren't just one liners or how horny a character's asshole makes them.

The general preference is that if you're just saying "I like this" or making a dumb joke, you should either say nothing and just upvote/favorite the post, or click "No Bump" so people checking the Comments page won't see your "pointless" comment right at the top of the list.

I get it now. Didn't know about the bump function either. That makes sense.

Bionicman76 said:

What use is bumping in the first place?

Adding new information after the fact, answering previous users questions, asking a question yourself on something you are unsure of. There are clear instances where comments actually add to the site and youd want to bump so somebody can see it.

blindVigil said:

Posting a comment without clicking "No Bump" puts that post, with all comments on that post visible, to the top of the Comments page so everyone can see it. It facilitates discussion. Otherwise, how would other people know you commented at all? So naturally, some users don't like it when people bump posts "for no reason."

Oh, so it's literally the same problem with discord replies pinging as default and nobody knowing how not to.

zetsubousensei said:

Adding new information after the fact, answering previous users questions, asking a question yourself on something you are unsure of. There are clear instances where comments actually add to the site and youd want to bump so somebody can see it.

Mm, noted.

zetsubousensei said:

Adding new information after the fact, answering previous users questions, asking a question yourself on something you are unsure of. There are clear instances where comments actually add to the site and youd want to bump so somebody can see it.

I've taken this to heart. comment #2382837

I'm experiencing something similar lately. Even if I just ask a sincere question (like asking the guy speaking of "Pan Tau" whether we're of the same contry, since he mentioned a character originating in Czech Republic) or referring to some related work of fiction.

I'm getting suspicion that it doesn't really matter what i write about, just someone here seems to hate my guts for reasons unknown.

sohibil said:

I'm experiencing something similar lately. Even if I just ask a sincere question (like asking the guy speaking of "Pan Tau" whether we're of the same contry, since he mentioned a character originating in Czech Republic) or referring to some related work of fiction.

I'm getting suspicion that it doesn't really matter what i write about, just someone here seems to hate my guts for reasons unknown.

For some of the posts you commented on, there’s a large gap between your comment and the previous comment. I don’t think bumping in those cases is always a bad thing as long as you’re contributing something of value, but if you’re replying to the previous comment, you should mind the time stamp. You posted your question about being from the same country as another user two years after that user commented. That user happens to still be active, but you can’t always be sure when you reply to old comments.

Blank_User said:

For some of the posts you commented on, there’s a large gap between your comment and the previous comment. I don’t think bumping in those cases is always a bad thing as long as you’re contributing something of value, but if you’re replying to the previous comment, you should mind the time stamp. You posted your question about being from the same country as another user two years after that user commented. That user happens to still be active, but you can’t always be sure when you reply to old comments.

I'm sorry but I'm not on this site 24/7 and don't hunt comments for sport.

And speaking about contributing something of value, how do these comments contribute?

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