
Rename stun_gun, alias stun_gun -> taser

Posted under Tags

BUR #22582 has been rejected.

create alias stun_gun -> shock_device
remove alias stun_gun -> shock_device
create alias stun_gun -> taser

TASER is an acronym for Tom A. Swift Electric Rifle. The objects we are supposed to be tagging stun gun, are not guns in any way. Samus Aran's paralyzer is actually a taser, not what we presently tag as stun gun.

Metroid images don't make up the majority of the stun gun posts, and "stun gun" is exactly what the devices are called especially those that require melee range with the opponent. See: Wikipedia.


One of the most significant differences between stun guns and TASERs™ is their range. Stun guns require you to be within arm's reach of the potential assailant as they are not effective unless they are touching the assailant’s body. The TASER™ is designed to be fired from a distance; however, some models can also be used as drive-stun devices.

1. Stun gun and taser are definitely not the same thing. The former isn't a gun but is called that.

2. None of Samus posts should be tagged as stun gun or taser since it resembles a sci-fi handgun hence the custom tag paralyzer. Meanwhile, I don't know what it should be called, maybe paralyzer_(samus_aran) but I believe it is too generic as this is not the only copyright (outside of Danbooru) with a weapon named "Paralyzer". Edit: It's not even a taser either since a taser fires wires not "nonlethal energy blasts". You are wrong in like three different ways.



Stun guns require you to be within arm's reach of the potential assailant

Which is stupid. Why are we calling something that doesn't extend your range even so far as a stun baton a gun? That's like calling a dog a monster.

nanashi3 said:

You are wrong in like three different ways.

Missing the point. You can't tag it stun gun because our definition of a stun gun is a melee device. The paralyzer fires a shot- fully invalidating the stun gun tag beside it.

However, I'll give you the taser point- Stun gun -> taser is a bad idea, simply by the intended function by the brand.

baconmeh2 said:

Which is stupid. Why are we calling something that doesn't extend your range even so far as a stun baton a gun? That's like calling a dog a monster.

Because that's what it's called. Like it or not, the english name for this weapon is "stun gun". Just as camel spiders aren't actually spiders, and a pea-shooter doesn't actually shoot peas, a stun gun isn't actually a gun. This is just one of those English language oddities.

baconmeh2 said:

Which is stupid. Why are we calling something that doesn't extend your range even so far as a stun baton a gun? That's like calling a dog a monster.

Terrible analogy. They're called that because they fit the definition of a stun gun. Technically the TASER is also a stun gun though hand-held stun devices and TASERs and it's clones work on fundamentally different levels