
egloos has been shut down

Posted under Tags

hdk5 said:

My point still stands. I see no point in all these tags that are replicated by source: search.

The reason we have individual bad ID tags is that often the link is not uniform. Consider twitter, where posts are hosted on and images are hosted on, or pixiv, where images are hosted on while posts are on A lot of these tags can't be replaced with a single source search.

nonamethanks said:

The reason we have individual bad ID tags is that often the link is not uniform. Consider twitter, where posts are hosted on and images are hosted on, or pixiv, where images are hosted on while posts are on A lot of these tags can't be replaced with a single source search.

That gives me even more reason to disagree.
First - like you said, searching just for egloos substring in the source field is not a proper way to check if the image was sourced from a certain site.
Second - why only allow searching for manually tagged bad ids? Since danbooru already can recognize a lot of site URLs, why not just make it possible to search for site names it specifically coded to know (1, 2, 3), or by automatically chosen site names for other cases? Wouldn't it even allow to abolish all the bad_*_id and *_sample in favor of site:Pixiv bad_id kinda search?

hdk5 said:

Second - why only allow searching for manually tagged bad ids? Since danbooru already can recognize a lot of site URLs, why not just make it possible to search for site names it specifically coded to know (1, 2, 3), or by automatically chosen site names for other cases? Wouldn't it even allow to abolish all the bad_*_id and *_sample in favor of site:Pixiv bad_id kinda search?

That's the idea, but someone has to implement it first. Ideally such a system could even replace pixiv:<id> with custom site IDs. Even more ideally, we'd just store all source-related data in a source table and search source:pixiv source:deleted source:id:1. But for now, we only have tags.