
The h-index of Danbooru tags: 4023

Posted under General

This information is utterly pointless, but I couldn't help myself. Hope you don't mind.
The "h-index" (technically this term is not used in any context other than author citation) of Danbooru tags is 4023. Meaning, there are no less than 4023 tags with no less than 4023 posts, but this property is not satisfied for any larger number.
More specifically, the single detached sleeve tag comes in at 4026th place, having a usage count of 4023.

Login_to_view said:

Although this information is incredibly useless, if amusing, I think that if you come back in a few months it could reach 4202, which is 2024 backwards.

Beautifully useless, I love it. Since yesterday the "h-index" grew to 4026, so I think it's safe to assume we'll see 4202 before the year ends!