
Alias Tamamo Vitch -> Koyanskaya

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BUR #22408 has been rejected.

create alias tamamo_vitch -> koyanskaya_(fate)

I know she's technically not a "true" Tamamo, but Koyanskaya is introduced as "Tamamo Vitch", and is frequently referred to as such by the fanbase. So it makes no sense that this is not applied as her alias yet.


Sessyoin_Kiara said:

I'd upvote if it was tamamo_vitch_koyanskaya. Tamamo Vitch is one of the Tamamo Nine from CCC, sure she got named on Saber Wars along other Tamamos and never appeared as a real character, but Tamamo Aria recently appeared in Samurai Remnant, the real Vitch could appear sooner or later.

Downvoted for this reason. Calling her Tamamo Vitch was another one of FGO's epic "haha syke u thought it was x but actually it's y" swerves a story misdirection, and that lands us in a precarious situation in terms of tagging because we can very well get the actual Tamamo Vitch at some point. Ultimately the fanbase is kinda just wrong to continue calling her Vitch.