
Disambiguate some Mobile Suit names

Posted under Tags

BUR #22338 has been approved by @evazion.

rename the_o -> the_o_(mobile_suit)
rename jeddah -> jeddah_(mobile_suit)

These two mobile suits have a bit ambiguous name. The O has very similar name with Big O from The Big O, while also being quite hard to search since typing "The O" will bring up other tags with these namestring in it before the tag itself. Jeddah meanwhile has a namesake with a Saudi Arabian city of the same name, so I suppose these tags should be given qualifier as a futureproof.

BUR #22979 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename dom -> dom_(mobile_suit)
rename zanzibar -> zanzibar_(mobile_armor)
rename hashmal -> hashmal_(final_fantasy)

Add qualifier because the tag Dom (Animal Crossing) exists.

Edit: Updated BUR with Mobile Armor Zanzibar since "Zanzibar" is a real (and somewhat well-known) island in Tanzania, and Hashmal from Final Fantasy Tactics which shares namesake with Hashmal (Mobile Armor).
