Accidentally created this one inayama kakuya. How do I delete it?
Posted under General
Accidentally created this one inayama kakuya. How do I delete it?
gzb said:
Accidentally created this one inayama kakuya. How do I delete it?
Click "edit" -> delete -> submit.
gzb said:
Accidentally created this one inayama kakuya. How do I delete it?
You can't delete the entry in the sense of making it so that there is no entry to begin with, but by going to the entry, clicking the Edit button on the top and then clicking Delete at the top, you'll 'delete' the entry (read: make it so that the system doesn't reference it for future use).
But I want to ask why you would want to delete it - checking things online briefly suggests that Inayama Kakuya is an actual illustrator, meaning their art could find their art to Danbooru. Do they already have an artist entry on Danbooru that would necessitate deleting this entry (because that would make this one a dupe)?
World_Funeral said:
Click "edit" -> delete -> submit.
And remove the urls and add the name of the existing entry in the other names field, then add the missing urls to the existing entry if necessary.
Damian0358 said:
But I want to ask why you would want to delete it - checking things online briefly suggests that Inayama Kakuya is an actual illustrator, meaning their art could find their art to Danbooru. Do they already have an artist entry on Danbooru that would necessitate deleting this entry (because that would make this one a dupe)?
Yes, ina_(inatyuu). I think I'll alias it to inayama kakuya since it's her full name.
Damian0358 said:
You can't delete the entry in the sense of making it so that there is no entry to begin with, but by going to the entry, clicking the Edit button on the top and then clicking Delete at the top, you'll 'delete' the entry (read: make it so that the system doesn't reference it for future use).
But I want to ask why you would want to delete it - checking things online briefly suggests that Inayama Kakuya is an actual illustrator, meaning their art could find their art to Danbooru. Do they already have an artist entry on Danbooru that would necessitate deleting this entry (because that would make this one a dupe)?
Yes, I realized after submitting this one that there's already an entry for this artist, just with different name ina (inatyuu). It probably would make more sense to change that entry to the name Inayama Kakuya instead.
Sessyoin_Kiara said:
And remove the urls and add the name of the existing entry in the other names field, then add the missing urls to the existing entry if necessary.
Yes, ina_(inatyuu). I think I'll alias it to inayama kakuya since it's her full name.
I also think changing the name from ina_(inatyuu) to inayama kakuya is better. Do I have to make a separate request for that?
Edit: nvm, it seems it's already changed
gzb said:
I also think changing the name from ina_(inatyuu) to inayama kakuya is better. Do I have to make a separate request for that?
No, I already did this on forum #263998.
Sessyoin_Kiara said:
No, I already did this on forum #263998.
Thank you!