
Alias white_dove -> dove

Posted under Tags

Dodo1 said:

BUR #22690 has been rejected.

create alias dove -> white_dove

Honestly I would rather do it the other way around. Make white dove the tag, more intuitive.

Similar to the raven/crow discourse. Species tend to just be named pigeon when bigger and doves when smaller.

So, you wanna make an alias from less specific to more specific.
If anything, you'd want to request an implication. And even then it's the wrong way round. I don't see the point.
Gray dove when?

nonamethanks said:

Look at the dove tag. It's all white birds.

Having a tag for white doves would be akin to having a tag for black crows: it'd be redudant, completely pointless from a searching standpoint. Instead, you should be tagging the exceptions with their own tags, such as mourning dove.

Not compareable, dove was specifically used on the forum to mean a white pigeon/dove which I always thought was dumb. We never had a rule of say "all black corvids are crows" but equated crows and ravens to each other. I would prefer aliasing dove and pigeon for the same reason and keeping white dove for white birds.