I just saw douple-posted comment so hit 'delete' next to the second one. It asked my if I was sure I wanted to delete the comment, I said yes, then it said "post deleted". I'm a bit worried since I wasn't trying to delete a post and the comment itself is still there.
Arrgh, major bug! What it does do, is delete the post with the same number.
Say I was viewing post #137359 and wanted to delete comment #59009 If I pressed the delete button next to the comment while in post view what it would actually so is delete post #59009
This is because it calls /post/destroy instead of /comment/destroy
I think that's actually worse now - the comment delete button now calls post/destroy from all locations (comment view, post view, and comment list) so now none work. Should be the other way around and call comment/destroy
I know 20727 was accidental as that was the comment id I was trying to delete when I first noticed something was wrong. At least one of the others I deleted when testing, but I looked for an old low quality dups in case something did go wrong (which I was thankful of when it did..) The 58xxx ones are likely all accidental deletions since that matches up the most recent comment numbers.