BUR #21654 has been approved by @evazion.
rename type_74 -> type_74_(tank)
rename type_74_(personification) -> type_74_(tank)_(personification)
create alias type_90_kyu-maru -> type_90_(tank)
create alias type_90_kyu-maru_(personification) -> type_90_(tank)_(personification)
JSDF tank tags have a different naming scheme. type_61_(tank) and type_10_(tank) follow the "type_xx_(tank)" scheme, while the other two, Type 90 and Type 74, are type_90_kyu-maru and type_74 respectively. In my opinion, it would be better to change their tags to avoid confusion.
- 1 and 2 (rename) - Ambiguous. Type 74 can also refer to Type 74 SPH.
- 3 and 4 (alias) - "Kyuu-maru" ("Nine-Zero") is a part of its name on Japanese, "Kyuu-maru shiki sensha", which literally means "Type 90 tank". The tank itself is usually referred to as "Type 90 tank" or just "Type 90", and "Type 90 Kyuu-Maru" is used less often.
Personification tags should be changed too, as they refer to these tanks.