BUR #21463 has been rejected.
create implication cosplay_photo -> cosplay
It's currently only implicating Photo_(medium)
Posted under Tags
BUR #21463 has been rejected.
create implication cosplay_photo -> cosplay
It's currently only implicating Photo_(medium)
From the cosplay wiki:
Photos should only be tagged with the character being cosplayed and cosplay photo.
In other words, cosplay and cosplay_photo posts are deliberately being treated as separate categories. This is so photos of drawings of cosplaying characters can be found with a cosplay photo_(medium) -cosplay_photo search. See topic #19349.
That said, there are currently hundreds of posts in a cosplay cosplay_photo search, so some tag gardening may be needed.
In other words, cosplay and cosplay_photo posts are deliberately being treated as separate categories. This is so photos of drawings of cosplaying characters can be found with a cosplay photo_(medium) -cosplay_photo search. See topic #19349.
What we should probably do instead is make an artwork photo tag for photographs of artwork. Art tools in frame exists but is too limiting.
evazion said:
What we should probably do instead is make an artwork photo tag for photographs of artwork. Art tools in frame exists but is too limiting.
Photos of artworks also including photo (medium) has confused me for a while since it quite often means the post gets 2 medium tags, artwork photo sounds like it'd solve that nicely.
The bulk update request #21463 (forum #261025) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.