
Populate "sex battle" tags

Posted under Tags

BUR #21430 has been rejected.

mass update mixed-sex_combat sex -> sex_battle
mass update mixed-sex_combat penis -> sex_battle
mass update mixed-sex_combat pussy -> sex_battle
mass update fighting sex -> sex_battle
mass update fighting penis -> sex_battle

Now that the tag sex battle is now a thing, complete with Pixiv equivalent tags and strict definition, I think it's time to look back at some of the earlier posts that would fit the definition of "sex battle".

The BUR above contains tags that that has several posts that would be qualified as "sex battle", mostly mixed-sex combat that were once interchangeably tagged before "sex battle" tag became a thing.

blindVigil said:

These updates seem highly suspect. I can pick out several posts that aren't "sex battles" post #864982 and post #6258193 both just feature unrelated fighting in the background for example.

Yeah, it seems like I have to remove battle + sex combination and tagged some of these manually then. Also I will be cleaning unrelated tags by myself after this.

Both tags require careful and constant gardening to be viable in the first place. Mass updating would cause too many mistags that’d you just have to manual fix anyway. This should just be handled manually. It’s not a particularly large tag anyway.