I just wanted to make mention that I don't think Danbooru is on the right track with the anti hot linking image that showcases rather disgusting images looped over and over. I think there are many other ways to notify viewers on say a message board that somebody has hotlinked from Danbooru without permission. If there is person who has not done anything wrong and is just browsing, they should not have to be subjected to such filth. Why not just an image that says somebody has hotlinked and to report them. I say this because I have just witnessed this myself on Animesuki, and an old image I had hotlinked to Danbooru by mistake (I was unaware of proper etiquette) was replaced with one of these Goatsex images and I was embarassed to receive a warning about it from the mods. So I ask if the adminstrators can reconsider not for my sake, but for the 1000's of people who may have had to view that image.
Updated by albert